Life Stages

A woman’s life is divided into stages which impacts both her mental and physical wellbeing.
The first, and most significant, phase in her life is when she turns 13 and encounters puberty. She finds her body changing as she goes through hormonal changes. Through the teen years, she also experiences emotional upheavals.
The second stage is when she moves out of the teens and enters youth. She is now a diva looking ahead to moving out into the world which awaits her with open arms. She dreams big and lives it out.
Then comes maternity. The nine months of pregnancy can be a beautiful experience – the woman feels alive like never before.
When the baby arrives, the new mom is thrown into an unknown world… of post birth. Sometimes she feels down. But most of the time she is on a high.
By the time mid life strikes, she is a seasoned mother but the children have flown the roost. She is now free to tackle life again but mid life has its own problems.
She must stay active and on top. However, life may bring many health issues.
Menopause is a natural progression that comes with age. There is no escaping it, nor the symptoms.
And when she enters the final phase of healthy aging, she must still not let go!

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